Conference Program

Conference Program Overview

TThe conference schedule will be designed to provide an enriching experience for all attendees. Presentations will be conducted in a single room, with designated tea and lunch breaks. Below is a brief outline of the program:

Registration Process

Upon arrival, participants will register at the venue, collect their conference materials, and receive further instructions. Registration will be conducted at the entrance.

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony will kick off the conference, including speeches from the conference chair, keynote speakers, and distinguished guests. A photo session will follow, setting the stage for the discussions ahead.

Presentations & Interactive Sessions

Presentations will be delivered by authors, followed by Q&A sessions. There will be a mix of oral presentations, and participants will be invited to engage with the presenters during the interactive discussions.

Tea Break & Lunch

Participants can relax and network during scheduled tea and lunch breaks. These breaks offer an excellent opportunity to engage with fellow attendees, speakers, and experts.

Closing Remarks & Certificate Distribution

At the conclusion of the presentations, there will be a certificate distribution ceremony to recognize participants for their contributions.