Flex Conference (Physical / Digital)

International Conference on Bridge Engineering and Transportation Managements (ICBETM - 25)

4th - 5th August 2025, Cannes, France

Submit Paper Conference Registration


You may hear the terms “plagiarism” or “plagiarism of your article” several times while writing research papers for conferences or journal publications. Your guide or friend may advise you to check your paper for plagiarism before submitting it to an international journal or conference. So how important is it to check your articles for plagiarism? How to do that?

Steps to avoid this.

There is a lot of ways to avoid the Plagiarism

Check your content with anti-plagiarism software
Review your paper by the experts
Create the original Content

SAIRAP Policy for Plagiarism

SAIRAP does not allow plagiarism of any kind. Plagiarism is considered by the entire scientific community to be a serious violation of scientific ethics. Incidents of plagiarism in published manuscripts or articles, whether detected or reported, will be taken seriously. We continuously support/advice and accept recommendations from our Editors/Editorial Board/Reviewers to avoid ethical misconduct.

Please report us the plagiarism E-mail id : team@sairap.org

Important Dates

Early Bird Registration :5th July 2025

Paper Submission Deadline :15th July 2025

Last Date of Registration : 20th July 2025

Date of Conference : 4th - 5th August 2025

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